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Elevate your business with the premier virtual assistant company

  • #1 in virtual assistant services by TechRadar & Analytics Insight
  • Serving 7500+ clients with 800+ 5-star reviews
  • Longest-running virtual assistant company

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Video Placeholder

Assist more patients with a Healthcare Virtual Assistant

Ideal Teams excels in providing outstanding value in healthcare sector offering them virtual assistants (VAs) effectively reducing costs associated with traditional in-house recruitment. Serving a diverse range of healthcare establishments, from respected dental practices to cutting-edge alternative health facilities.

Our skilled team of virtual assistants enhance not only your overall productivity but also the efficiency. With our customized VA solutions, Ideal Teams aims to empower healthcare businesses with the resources necessary to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.


Benefits of a Healthcare Virtual Assistant


  • Virtual Scribe
  • Virtual Reception
  • Patient Support
  • Recruitment
  • Billing Support
  • Marketing

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Virtual Scribe

  • #1 in virtual assistant services by TechRadar & Analytics Insight
  • Serving 7500+ clients with 800+ 5-star reviews
  • Longest-running virtual assistant company

Virtual Reception

  • Manage and direct incoming patient calls to the relevant teams
  • Follow up with patients for appointment reminders
  • Interact with clients and patients with a level of care consistent with your brand

Patient Support

  • Offering compassionate support for non-medical concerns
  • Efficient appointment scheduling and rescheduling to optimize resources
  • Handling administrative tasks like patient registration and insurance verification


  • Review resumes and applications to shortlist candidates based on criteria
  • Summarize qualified candidates for hiring managers’ review
  • Schedule initial phone screenings or interviews with the hiring team

Billing Support

  • Record and reconcile payments from insurance companies, patients, and other payers
  • Coordinate and input medical claims into EHR software
  • Generate and send patient statements for outstanding balances


  • Craft content featuring expertise, testimonials, and success stories
  • Manage social media, post updates, respond to comments, and engage with the audience
  • Monitor online reviews for a positive healthcare organization reputation

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The Avatar

Describes the ideal candidate that will fill that position in your business based on practice culture, cutting-edge assessment tools, and your business goals. Matching your new team member with this Avatar is one of the most important aspects of hiring.

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The Search

You don’t need to stress sourcing candidates for your business. We use big data, artificial intelligence, and our database to source top candidates based on your Avatar for you. The days of posting a half-baked job posting on a local chiropractic association page and generating high-quality candidates for your opening are over.

The Placement

Ideal Team has the process of hiring the right team member to a science. Relying on your guy or guesswork to fill an open position quickly often leads to high turnover, stress, and wasted time. We can help you find the ideal person for your business that can help take your business to the next level.

Bring our Virtual Assistant on Board

Schedule Your Call

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We Learn Your Job
Weekly Check

See What Our Clients are Saying

“Ideal Team gave me the tools to make meaningful decisions when hiring my valuable assets, my employees. It’s remarkably simple and incredibly powerful.”

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Lawrence Montoya

“Our first hire is going on three years with our office and just received a promotion.”

Dr. Brian Dahmer

“These guys will help you get the right people on the bus for massive alignment equaling massive business growth. Once you use Ideal Team, you will never use another agency again!”

Paul Reed

“Kathia is the best recruiter we have ever worked with. She always take greate care of us!”

Dr. Brian Anderson

Trusted By

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Ready to Grow
Your Business?

Discover a virtual professional tailored to your unique business requirements and enjoy savings of up to 70% on hiring costs today.

Frequently Asked Questions


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Everything starts with our Discovery Call. Begin by speaking with one of our Placement Specialists so that we can form a crystal clear understanding of your business culture, needs, and goals. The Discovery Call helps our Placement Specialists identify the unique aspects of your business.

Describes the ideal candidate that will fill that position in your business based on practice culture, cutting-edge assessment tools, and your business goals. Matching your new team member with this Avatar is one of the most important aspects of hiring. Many people have never even considered the ideal avatar. The process of creating your Avatar is part of our secret sauce. It’s where the art and science of hiring meet.

After working with hundreds of businesses worldwide, we have the proprietary tools and knowledge to zero in on the exact type of team member you’re looking for to move forward in your business.

You don’t need to stress sourcing candidates for your business. We use big data, artificial intelligence, and our database to source top candidates based on your Avatar for you. The days of posting a half-baked job posting on a local chiropractic association page and generating high-quality candidates for your opening are over. It’s estimated that five positions are currently available for every candidate! Our recruiting team spearheaded our search process for over a dozen full-time specialists. Your recruiter will know your practice, ideal candidate avatar, and work sourcing your next ideal team member.

As high-quality candidates come in, we provide a thorough vetting and interview process to ensure a great match with your business.

What’s worse than having no candidates for your available position? Having hundreds of unqualified people that you need to sort through! Let us do the heavy lifting by pre-screening and pre-interviewing your potential candidates to ensure that your time is protected and used for what’s best, running your business. Our recruiting team is trained on administering compliant behavioral assessments to screening questions to ensure anyone you interview is a good match for your practice.

Ideal Team has the process of hiring the right team member to a science. Relying on your guy or guesswork to fill an open position quickly often leads to high turnover, stress, and wasted time.

We can help you find the ideal person for your business that can help take your business to the next level.

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